Start Date: February 3, 2025

Master’s Program for Training Professional Travel Journalists

Master’s in Travel Journalism

The most comprehensive training program where you will learn tools, techniques, and strategies 100% focused on the job market.


100% Online (live classes)




Employment Exchange

Start Date

February 3, 2025

Travel Included in the Price

Valued at 1000€


In this Master’s in Travel Journalism program, you will…

Editorial Content: Learn to create high-quality editorial content that captures your audience’s attention and provides them with value. You will develop skills in content planning and management.

Communication and Marketing Strategies: Develop skills in planning, managing, and executing communication and marketing strategies. Learn to use digital tools and innovative techniques.

Communication and Marketing Strategies: Develop skills in planning, managing, and executing communication and marketing strategies. Learn to use digital tools and innovative techniques.

Professional Travel Journalism: Develop your skills as a travel journalist and navigate any project smoothly from a technical, analytical, and strategic perspective.

High Job Placement: Develop high-value skills in the job market. Improve your resume and stand out as a highly qualified candidate in the industry.

Professional Degree: Obtain a professional degree awarded by STJ, which will enhance your professional authority and help you stand out in the job market.

Who You’ll Learn From

Academic Faculty

Guest Experts

Discover All the Contents of Our Online Master’s in Travel Journalism

Module 1: Introduction to Travel Journalism
  • Travel Journalism: Definition and context
  • Travelers Vs. Tourists
  • Production of large and small trips
  • Relationship of travel journalism with other disciplines
  • Travel Journalism in conventional media
  • Can you make a living from travel journalism?
  • Workshop: Creating Travel Content for Conventional Media
  • Conference:
Module 2: Tourism and Travel Journalism
  • The travel journalist and the tourism professional
  • Professional ethics and content creation
  • Inside a travel communication media
  • Alternatives for freelancers, media partners, and influencers
  • Reinventing media to monetize | Part 1
  • Reinventing media to monetize | Part 2
  • Workshop: Innovation in Monetization Models for Tourism Media
  • Conference
Module 3: Tourism Marketing and Communication
  • The tourism system: All components and how it works
  • Planning and development: Strategic plans and marketing
  • Tourism marketing: Promotional actions and marketing tools
  • Inbound marketing: Storytelling and innovative promotional actions. Working with content creators
  • The customer: Who are they? B2C / B2B – Visitor Persona and Tourism Customer Journey
  • Business models as a freelance tourism creator (content creator, consultant, etc.). How to start without failing
  • Workshop: Creating Content Proposals and Promotional Actions for a Tourist Destination
  • Conference: David Miró
Module 4: Marketing for Travel Journalists
  • Introduction to tourism marketing: Definition and relevance
  • Introduction to tourism marketing: Components and strategies
  • The Marketing Plan: Vision, Mission, and Strategy Definition
  • Operational marketing: product definition
  • Communication plan
  • Marketing for tourism companies
  • Workshop: Marketing Strategies for Travel Journalists
  • Conference
Module 5: Travel Narrative
  • Brief history of travel literature
  • The journey: Before, during, and after
  • Narrative technique 1 and 2
  • Narrative technique 3 and 4
  • Writing: Press or magazine articles / Travel books
  • Writing: Travel guides / Travel blogs
  • Workshop: Travel Narrative
  • Conference: José Alejandro Adamuz
Module 6: Content Creation
  • Blogging: content creation
  • Blogging: maintenance and dissemination
  • Advanced Planning and Filming of Travel Video Projects
  • Professional Editing and Publication of Travel Videos
  • Podcast Management: Creating a podcast from scratch
  • Podcast Management: Audio editing tools
  • Workshop
  • Conference
Module 7: Social Media for Travel Journalists
  • Introduction to Social Media for Travel Journalists
  • Types of Social Media for Travel Journalists
  • Success stories and inspiration
  • Monetizing Social Media for Travel Journalists
  • Social Media Analysis and Metrics for Travel Journalists
  • Ethics and Responsibility on Social Media for Travel Journalists
  • Workshop
  • Conference
Module 8: Travel Photography
  • Photography: portrait and anthropology
  • Photographic equipment
  • Storage, editing, and publication of photographs
  • Anthropology through an image
  • Organizing a photographic trip: equipment and route planning
  • Instagram: How to make the most of it: live streams, reels, etc. (workshop)
  • Workshop
  • Conference
Module 9: Methodological Tools for Research
  • Introduction to scientific research
  • The problem and research objectives
  • Theoretical and reference framework
  • Methodological decisions: Approach and focus
  • Data analysis and conclusions
  • Methodological tools applied to the final project
  • Workshop
  • Conference
Module 10: Final Project Trip
  • Presentation of the trip and final project
  • Travel preview
  • Personalized tutoring
  • Pre-trip preparation
  • Presentation and evaluation
Module 11: Final Project

Module 12: Optional Subjects
  • Website creation
  • AI (ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc.)
  • LinkedIn: Build your personal brand
  • SEO
  • SEM
  • Meta Ads

Find Out If This Online Master’s in Travel Journalism is for You

The Online Master’s in Travel Journalism is for you, whether you want to work as a freelance professional or seek a position in an agency or company.

You Just Graduated

You have a degree in journalism, tourism, communication, advertising, or business administration, and want to specialize in a profession that enhances your employability.

You Are an Entrepreneur

Content creators who tirelessly seek new adventures in the world, exploring cultures and distant places regardless of the difficulties.

You Are a Professional

You work as a writer, editor, audiovisual producer, videographer, or filmmaker. You aspire to specialize in the exciting world of travel.

You Work in Marketing

You work in graphic design, social media, content writing, and digital advertising, among other roles. You aspire to focus on Travel Journalism to advance your career.

School Testimonials

Rubén García De La Torre
Rubén García De La Torre
He realizado el curso de Narrativa de Viajes y me ha parecido genial. Muy buen contenido y muy buenos materiales. Además, el docente es un profesional con gran experiencia que da mucho valor a las clases. Seguro que repetiré en futuras formaciones. Recomiendo 100% el curso de Narrativa de Viajes y a la escuela en general. Son unos grandes profesionales que te ayudan en todo momento. Muchas gracias!
Jordi Canal-Soler
Jordi Canal-Soler
La atención de su staff, la calidad de las asignaturas, la profesionalidad de sus profesores y el entusiasmo de los compañeros de clase hacen que cualquiera de los cursos de la School of Travel Journalism sean mucho más que teoría y práctica: son una experiencia vital que te acaba transformando.
Cristina A
Cristina A
He realizado el curso de Narrativa de viajes y ha sido fantástico. He aprendido muchísimo. El profesor es un gran especialista en la materia y las clases han sido muy entretenidas e interesantes. La organización y la comunicación han sido perfecta. Recomiendo el curso totalmente. Además, pienso seguir formándome gracias al descuento que me han ofrecido para otros cursos por ser alumna de la escuela. ¡Mil gracias!
Irina Domsch de Grassmann
Irina Domsch de Grassmann
Excelente! Recomiendo! Me resultó super útil.
Mar Carrasco
Mar Carrasco
El curso de especialización en la organización del Sistema Turístico que se imparte desde la School of Travel Journalism me ha parecido super interesante y dinámico. Las clases són muy prácticas y el temario muy actual. Realmente te permite ponerte al día y debatir sobre temas que nos afectan directamente en el día a día de la gestión turística.
Gabriela Sonato
Gabriela Sonato
La especialización "Organización del Sistema Turístico" ha sido una experiencia muy valiosa por los contenidos actualizados, por el profesor que transmite con entusiasmo su conocimiento y experiencia y por el formato 100% online que permite conectar desde cualquier lugar. Quiero destacar el seguimiento permanente de la dirección de programa y el apoyo del soporte técnico. La participación de profesionales desde LATAM y Europa ha sido enriquecedora y me ha permitido conocer las experiencias en gestión de destinos turísticos de otros países. 100% recomendable!!
Neus Tallada Moliner
Neus Tallada Moliner
Hacer el curso de especialización en la organización del Sistema Turístico ha sido un acierto y una gran experiencia, por su contenido, por el profesor , por el formato, por el horario, por el personal próximo y sobretodo por el grupo tan diverso que ha asisitido, por que ha sido muy enriquecedor conocer cultura, experiencias y realidades de otros destinos de todo el mundo. La verdad es que el tiempo de las clases se hizo corto. Muy recomendable si quieres aprender de los mejores y con contenido especifico que te ayudará en tu día a día laboral.
Raquel Castro
Raquel Castro
He asistido recientemente al curso online de Especialización en la Organización del Sistema Turístico y lo recomiendo. Me ha parecido un curso muy dinámico y con un profesor de lujo. Un curso más práctico que teórico. Ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora, ya que además el alumnado también tenía mucho que aportar

Personalized Attention: Solve All Your Doubts

Once you enroll in our Master’s in Travel Journalism, you will have access to our personalized online support to answer any questions that arise during your training. Our goal is to help you progress, stay focused, and motivated at all times. We are here to provide the support you need to achieve your goals.

Individual Attention from Monday to Sunday

We are at your disposal. Our team is committed to responding to all your queries within an average of 48 business hours.

Individual Mentor

You will always have the support of a personal tutor who will closely monitor your progress.

We ensure to provide you with efficient and timely service so you can get the answers you need as quickly as possible.

Scholarships to Train as a Travel Journalist

Academic Merit: Recognition of students with excellent academic performance in the field of journalism.

Journalistic Research: Financial support for students interested in conducting journalistic research in specific areas.

Multimedia: Apoyo económico para estudiantes que deseen especializarse en la producción de contenido multimedia, incluyendo fotografía, video y diseño gráfico.

Community Journalism: Financial aid for students focused on reporting and covering topics relevant to local and marginalized communities.

International Journalism: Funding for students interested in covering international news and events, thus fostering experience in global journalism.

Investigación: Ayuda económica para estudiantes comprometidos en realizar proyectos de investigación periodística de alto impacto.

Master’s Final Trip (MFT) | Included in the Price

Yes, you read that right, MFT! How could a Master’s in Travel Journalism not end with a trip? And the best part is that STJ gives you up to €1,000 for your trip!

Select a destination for your final master’s trip, where you can successfully carry out your work.

Máster en Periodismo de Viajes

Make your travel reservation promptly and efficiently.

Periodismo de Viajes

Prepare thoroughly for your fieldwork and ensure success in your tasks.

Máster en Periodismo de Viajes

Pack everything you need and be ready to enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Employment Exchange

In the Master’s in Travel Journalism, we are proud to offer our students comprehensive training that combines a passion for travel with journalistic skills.

Our exclusive Employment Exchange for graduates connects trained travel journalists with employers through our online platform.

By enrolling in our Master in Travel Journalism, you gain access to our exclusive job board, opening doors to opportunities in media, agencies, magazines, blogs, and more.

Our team provides personalized advice for your job search, including tips to improve your resume, interview techniques, and how to stand out as a travel journalist.

We are delighted to boost your career with our Employment Exchange, a key resource to connect you with employers and advance in the dynamic world of travel journalism.

For more information about our Master in Travel Journalism and our Employment Exchange, contact us directly. We will be happy to answer all your questions and start you on the path to a bright professional future.

Request Information About the Master’s in Travel Journalism

If you want personalized advice on the Master’s in Travel Journalism, fill out this form and we will get in touch with you.


School of Travel Journalism

+34 623 98 10 11



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