Which Master in Journalism Should I Choose?

If you are bitten by the itch to communicate and tell stories, we will reveal to you which master in journalism to choose and how to focus it towards your professional future.

Choosing our professional path is not always easy, especially when our concerns change over time and the training options are almost endless. In your case, you may have studied Journalism and, once you finish your degree, you don’t know where to go next: Should I go back with my father to sell cherries at the market? Find me a “serious job”? Maybe oppose? Or pursue my dream? If you are one of those looking for answers to the last question, we will tell you all the journalism master’s options that exist and resolve the most frequently asked questions about this modality.

How much does a master’s degree in Journalism cost?

The price of a journalism master’s degree in Spain can vary considerably depending on the university and the specific program in which you are interested. However, in general, prices can range between 5,000 and 15,000 euros per academic year.

In any case, it is important to keep in mind that some universities, including the School of Travel Journalism (STJ), offer scholarships and financial aid for students, which can significantly reduce the total price of the master’s degree.

What journalism master’s degree can I do?

There are several journalism master’s options. Some of them are:

  • Master in Travel Journalism: this program is focused on communication in the tourism and travel field through narrative and audiovisual journalism techniques. Discover all the options in the Travel Journalism master’s degree at the School of Travel Journalism (STJ).
  • Master in Multimedia Journalism: this postgraduate program combines journalism, communication and new technologies to train journalists capable of working on different multimedia platforms.
  • Master in Cultural Journalism: Focused on the coverage of cultural topics such as art, music, literature and cinema. Includes training in cultural criticism and reporting on cultural events.
  • Master in Sports Journalism: Oriented towards the coverage of sporting events and the creation of content related to sports. Includes training in sports storytelling, interviews and performance analysis.
master in journalism

  • Master in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Events and Public Relations: this option focuses on communication management in companies and institutions, with emphasis on the organization of events. Focused on strategic communication for organizations and companies. Includes training in reputation management, crisis communication and media relations.
  • Master in Fashion Communication: Study of specific communication and marketing strategies for the fashion industry. This type of master’s degree covers a variety of topics that combine fashion knowledge with communication, marketing and management skills.
  • Master in Research in Journalism: this program is aimed at journalists and journalism students interested in journalistic investigation, including investigation techniques, data analysis, ethics and other relevant skills.
  • Master in Investigative Journalism, Data and Visualization: this master’s degree focuses on training journalists to work in the field of journalistic investigation and data visualization.
  • Master in Political and Business Communication: this program focuses on communication in the political and business sphere, with emphasis on the analysis of public opinion, crisis management and communication strategy.

These are just some master’s options related to journalism. It’s important to research the different options and choose the program that best suits your interests and professional goals.

master in journalism

Where to study Journalism remotely from anywhere in the world?

There are several options to study journalism online in international private schools or universities. Below, we mention some of the universities and training centers that offer programs in this modality:

  • School of Travel Journalism: at the first travel journalism university in the world we offer distance learning courses, master’s degrees and specializations in Travel Journalism.
  • University of Florida (UF): College of Journalism and Communications: This online program combines communication courses with specializations in tourism and travel, preparing students for careers in travel journalism, public relations, and tourism marketing.
  • The George Washington University: Although this program focuses on tourism management, it includes courses relevant to travel journalism, especially storytelling and sustainability in tourism. This university offers a Master’s in Tourism Administration (MTA) with a focus on Sustainable Tourism
  • London School of Journalism (LSJ): Although not a master’s degree, this course is very specific to travel writing, providing practical tools and techniques to become a freelance travel journalist with the online program: Freelance and Travel Writing Course
  • UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism: The online program Advanced Media Institute – Travel Writing offers specialized courses in travel writing and journalism, taught by industry experts.

How to study Journalism online?

master in journalism

Studying journalism online can be an interesting option for those people who want to acquire knowledge and skills in this field, but who for various reasons cannot attend a university in person. Below, we give you some steps to follow to study journalism online:

  • Research remote journalism programs: There are many options available, so it is important to research and compare programs before making a decision. Search online programs from accredited universities and review their curriculum, professors, and the grades they have received.
  • Check technical requirements: Some online journalism programs may require downloading software or purchasing certain technical equipment, such as a camera or microphone. Make sure your device meets the technical requirements before signing up.
  • Consider time and budget: Make sure you have enough time to dedicate to online studies and consider the cost of tuition and other associated expenses.
  • Practice: It is important to practice what you learn. Consider working on independent projects or collaborating with other students to create journalism projects.

What to do after studying journalism?

After completing a degree in journalism, there are a whole range of career options available:

  • Work in the media: Journalism graduates can look for work in media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations. Among the possible profiles we find reporters, editors, news presenters or producers.
  • Work in marketing and advertising: we also find the option of looking for work in the field of marketing and advertising, where we can help companies develop marketing strategies and create advertising content.
  • Working as a freelancer: working as independent journalists writing articles for online and print publications is one of the most in-demand alternatives. This allows the journalist to work flexibly and have control over their time.
  • Pursue graduate studies: Journalism graduates may also choose to continue their education through graduate programs in journalism or in related fields, such as strategic communications, public relations, or marketing.

As you can see, the training options after finishing a journalism degree are varied and depend largely on the personal interests and objectives of each person. If your big dream is to tell stories through your adventures, we will tell you all the reasons to become a travel journalist.

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